Does Electric Kicks have a warranty policy?
All new products purchased from Electric Kicks come with a 12 month warranty by default.

When can I send my product back to Electric Kicks for a warranty issue?
A product can be returned to Electric Kicks for a warranty issue at any point in the 12 month Limited Warranty period, provided:

  • the product has done no more than 1,000 kilometres in total, or;
  • the vehicle has not been used as a courier or delivery vehicle; and;
  • the warranty claim is being submitted by the product's original owner.

When does the warranty period start?

The 12 month Limited Warranty starts when the item is dispatched from an Electric Kicks depot, or the day the Customer collects their order from an Electric Kicks depot.

See full Warranty Policy


Electric Kicks has a 30-day return policy, meaning any Customer can return a product, or products included in their purchase within 30 days of that purchase, with the date the order is dispatched from the Electric Kicks depot, or collected by the Customer from an Electric Kicks depot serving as day 1 of this period.

See full Returns Policy